Easy Art - Techniques

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star white

Neurographic Art

neurographic art
neurographic art
neurographic line art
neurographic line art

Neurographic Art is an Artform which transforms negative emotion into a beautiful drawing and positive feelings. The act of drawing is creative in itself and can help you come up with ideas to solve whatever problems you might be stuck on.

This process uses a drawing technique that links the conscience with the subconscious. Engaging in CREATIVE PROCESSES encourages your brain to make new NEURAL pathways and connections. Focusing on an issue or question while working on an artwork, directs more of your neurons towards this and enhances your ability to PROBLEM-SOLVING and MAKING DECISIONS.

The result is an awareness and mindfulness that helps turn STRESS into CALM and therefore, is a strategy used in ART THERAPY.

The art technique ´Neurographica´ was created by Russian psychologist, creativity entrepreneur and architect Pavel Piskarev in 2014.

How to do:

  1. Think about a problem/challenge that is on your mind or something causing you anxiety.

  2. Think about what you want to change or your wish how you want to feel.

  3. Write it on the back of your drawing paper.

  4. With a permanent pen, start drawing an intuitive line.
    Let it flow, don´t think about it, feel free.

  5. Round out the corners of each intersection (crossing lines).
    We want no hard corners in our life, smooth out the problem.

  6. Add additional lines if you need to enhance your composition.

  7. Last step, apply colours (watercolour or acrylic paint).

  8. Go over lines again and doodle inside the shapes, just how you feel,
    transforming it into an ARTWORK

WATERCOLOUR - LINE ART for Beginners or People who want to experiment with colours. It really helps to clear your mind and it is for all ages.

Try it in one of PictureUP Creative Space workshops.

neurographic art cool colours
neurographic art cool colours
neurographic art with doodeling
neurographic art with doodeling
neurographic art line art
neurographic art line art

Free Line Drawing
Experimenting with Shapes & Colours
Calming the Mind
Overcome Anxiety & Stress

neurographic art workshop
neurographic art workshop